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לך אחורה   לובי הפורומים > מחשבים > ASP
שמור לעצמך קישור לדף זה באתרי שמירת קישורים חברתיים
כלי אשכול חפש באשכול זה

ישן 18-07-2005, 19:37
  matzas matzas אינו מחובר  
חבר מתאריך: 18.07.05
הודעות: 5
בתגובה להודעה מספר 4 שנכתבה על ידי Eran שמתחילה ב "זה דוקא כן HTML, אבל הנה:"

זהו שאני לא מצליח להכניס את הקוד הזה לדף ה- ASP שלי,

להלן הקוד אם תוכלו לעזור..

<%@Language=VBScript codepage=1255%>
'************************************************* ************************

'************************************************* ************************
Option explicit
Response.Buffer = true
<!--#include file="../UserMods/_INClanguage_.asp"-->
<!--#include file="_INCconfig_.asp"-->
<!--#include file="_INCappDBConn_.asp"-->
<!--#include file="_INCappFunctions_.asp"-->
dim mySQL
dim conntemp
dim rstemp
dim rstemp2
dim idOrder
dim idCust

'************************************************* ************************
'Open Database Connection
call openDB()
'Store Configuration
if loadConfig() = false then
call errorDB(langErrConfig,"")
end if
'Get/Set Cart/Order Session
idOrder = sessionCart()
'Get/Set Customer Session
idCust = sessionCust()
'Get/Set Affilate ID
call getIdAffiliate(Request.QueryString("idAff"))
<!--#include file="../UserMods/_INCtemplate_.asp"-->
'Close Database Connection
call closeDB()
'************************************************* *********************
'Main Shopping Cart Display Area.
'************************************************* *********************
sub cartMain()
<table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 width="100%">
<td align=left valign=top width="100%">
<table border=0 cellpadding=5 cellspacing=0 width="100%">
'Get Featured Products
mySQL="SELECT idProduct,description,descriptionLong," _
& " listPrice,price,smallImageUrl,stock," _
& " fileName,noShipCharge,sortOrder " _
& "FROM products " _
& "WHERE active = -1 " _
& "AND homePage = -1 " _
& "ORDER BY sortOrder ASC,idProduct DESC "
set rsTemp = openRSopen(mySQL,adUseClient,adOpenStatic,adLockOp timistic,adCmdText,0)

'Randomize the recordset
if homeViewRandom > 0 and rsTemp.RecordCount > 2 then
'Disconnect recordset and initialize random seed
set rsTemp.ActiveConnection = nothing
'Update sortOrder field with random numbers and sort
do while not rsTemp.EOF
rsTemp.Update "sortOrder",Int((9999 * Rnd) + 1)
rsTemp.Sort = "sortOrder"
'Delete any extra records from disconnected recordset
rsTemp.move homeViewRandom,1
do while not rsTemp.EOF
'Reposition to first record
end if

'If Featured Products = 0 then use "_INCright_.asp"
if rsTemp.EOF then
call noProd()

'If Featured Products <= 2 then display single rows
if rsTemp.RecordCount <= 2 then
do while not rsTemp.EOF
call singleProd()
if not rsTemp.EOF then
end if

'If Featured Products > 2 then display double rows
do while not rsTemp.EOF
call doubleProd()
if not rsTemp.EOF then
end if

end if
end if
end sub
'************************************************* *********************
'Displayed when there are no Featured Products.
'************************************************* *********************
sub noProd()
<td align=center valign=top>
<!--#include file="../UserMods/_INCright_.asp"-->
end sub
'************************************************* *********************
'Displays ONE Featured Product across the width of a row.
'************************************************* *********************
sub singleProd()
<td nowrap align=center valign=top class="CPhomeImg">
<%call prodImage()%>
<td align=left valign=top class="CPhomeDesc">
<%call prodDetail()%>
<tr><td colspan=2><img src="../UserMods/misc_cleardot.gif" height=1 width=1></td></tr>
end sub
'************************************************* *********************
'Displays TWO Featured Products across the width of a row.
'************************************************* *********************
sub doubleProd()
<td valign=top class="CPhomeDesc" style="width:50%"><div align="right">
<%call prodDetail()%>
<td nowrap valign=top align=center class="CPhomeImg">
<%call prodImage()%>
<td style="width:1px"><img src="../UserMods/misc_cleardot.gif" height=1 width=1></td>
if rsTemp.EOF then %>
<% exit sub
end if
<td valign=top class="CPhomeDesc" style="width:50%"><div align="right">
<%call prodDetail()%>
<td nowrap valign=top align=center class="CPhomeImg">
<%call prodImage()%>

<tr><td colspan=5><img src="../UserMods/misc_cleardot.gif" height=1 width=1></td></tr>
end sub
'************************************************* *********************
'Writes the product detail
'************************************************* *********************
sub prodDetail()
<b class="CPprodDesc"><%=rsTemp("description")%></b><br><br>
<span class="CPprodDescLong"><%=trim(rsTemp("descriptionLong"))%></span><br><br>
'Show pricing if required for this product
if not(pHidePricingZero=-1 and rsTemp("Price")=0) then

'Assign pricing info to local variables for easier use.
dim listPrice, price
listPrice = rsTemp("listPrice")
price = rsTemp("price")

'Show Extended layout.
if homeViewLayout = 1 then
if listPrice > Price then %>
<span class=CPprodLPriceT><%=langGenListPrice%>:</span> <del class=CPprodLPriceV><%=pCurrencySign & moneyS((listPrice))%></del><br>
<% end if %>
<b class=CPprodPriceT><%=langGenOurPrice%>:</b> <b class=CPprodPriceV><%=pCurrencySign & moneyS(Price)%></b>
<% if (listPrice - Price) > 0 then %>
<br><span class=CPprodSPriceT><%=langGenYouSave%>:</span> <span class=CPprodSPriceV><%=pCurrencySign & moneyS((listPrice-Price))%> (<%=formatNumber((((listPrice-Price)/listPrice)*100),0)%>%)</span>
<% end if
'Show Classic layout.
else %>
<b class=CPprodPriceT><%=langGenOurPrice%>:</b> <b class=CPprodPriceV><%=pCurrencySign & moneyS(Price)%></b>
<% end if %>
end if

'Show Extended layout.
if homeViewLayout = 1 then
'Free Shipping?
if UCase(rsTemp("noShipCharge")) = "Y" and len(trim(rsTemp("fileName")&"")) = 0 then %>
<b class=CPfreeShipMsg><%=langGenFreeShipping%></b><br>
<% end if

'In stock, Out of stock
if pShowStockView = -1 then
if pHideAddStockLevel = -1 then %>
<b class=CPinStock><%=langGenInStock%></b><br>
<% else
if rsTemp("stock") > pHideAddStockLevel then %>
<b class=CPinStock><%=langGenInStock%></b><br>
<% else %>
<b class=CPoutStock><%=langGenOutStock%></b><br>
<% end if
end if
end if

end if
end sub
'************************************************* *********************
'Writes the code to display the product image and a link
'************************************************* *********************
sub prodImage()
if len(trim(rsTemp("smallImageUrl")&"")) <> 0 then %>
<a href="prodView.asp?idproduct=<%=rsTemp("idProduct")%>"><img src="<%=pImagesDir & rsTemp("smallImageUrl")%>" border=0 alt="<%=server.HTMLEncode(rsTemp("description"))%>"></a><br>
<% else %>
<br><b class="CPnoImgT"><%=langGenNoImage%></b><br>
<% end if %>
<br><a href="prodView.asp?idproduct=<%=rsTemp("idProduct")%>"><%=langGenViewMore%></a><br>
end sub
חזרה לפורום
ישן 18-07-2005, 19:59
  matzas matzas אינו מחובר  
חבר מתאריך: 18.07.05
הודעות: 5
בתגובה להודעה מספר 6 שנכתבה על ידי Eran שמתחילה ב "בטוח שזה הדף הזה?"

מ- Candypress התוכנה והקוד הם חינם (כמעט) צריך לשלם עבור ה- ADMIN כלומר כל העריכה וההכנסה של המוצרים.

אפשר להוריד את הקוד מהאתר שלהם..

וזה הדף שמריץ עוד דף אני חושב את זה:

'************************************************* ************************
' Function : Page template for front-end
' Product : CandyPress Store Frontend
' Version : 2.5
' Modified : February 2004
' Copyright: Copyright (C) 2004 CandyPress.Com
' See "license.txt" for this product for details regarding
' licensing, usage, disclaimers, distribution and general
' copyright requirements. If you don't have a copy of this
' file, you may request one at webmaster@candypress.com
'************************************************* ************************
<!--#include file="_INCtools_.asp"-->
<title>Online Store</title>
<meta name="keywords" content="online store,shopping cart">
<meta name="description" content="Online Store">
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="../UserMods/_INCstyles_.css">
<table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" width="100%">
<!-- Cart Summary -->
<td align="left" valign="middle">
<table border=0 cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=1 width=140 class="CPbox2">
<td nowrap align=center colspan=2 class="CPbox2H"><b><%=langGenShoppingCart%></b></td>
<td noWrap class="CPbox2B"><div align="right"><b><%=cartQty(idOrder)%></b></div></td>
<td nowrap class="CPbox2B"><div align="right"><%=langGenQty%></div></td>
<td noWrap class="CPbox2B"><div align="right"><b><%=moneyS(cartTotal(idOrder,0))%></b></div></td>
<td noWrap class="CPbox2B"><div align="right"><%="(" & pcurrencySign & ") " & langGenTotal%></div></td>

<!-- Search Form -->
<form action="prodList.asp" method="post" id="searchBox" name="searchBox">
<td align="right" valign="middle">
<div align="center">
<input src="../UserMods/butt_go.gif" type="image" border="0" name="SubSearch" align="absmiddle">
<input name="strSearch" size="20" value="<%=langGenSearch%>" align=absmiddle onFocus="javascript:if (this.value=='<%=langGenSearch%>') {this.value='';}">
<a href="prodSearch.asp"><%=langGenAdvancedSearch%></a><br>

<!-- Logo -->
<td align="right" valign="middle">
<img alt="<%=pCompany%>" border=0 src="../UserMods/logo.gif">
<!-- Top Navigation Bar -->
<img src="../UserMods/misc_cleardot.gif" border=0 width=1 height=4><br>
<table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="2" width="100%" class="CPbox1">

<td align=left valign=middle width="50%">
<!-- Affiliate Link
<a href="05_Gateway.asp?action=logonaff"><%=langGenAffiliate%></a>
<img src="../UserMods/misc_dot.gif" border=0>
<a href="05_Gateway.asp?action=logon"><%=langGenAccount%></a>
<img src="../UserMods/misc_dot.gif" border=0>
<a href="cart.asp"><%=langGenCart%></a>
<img src="../UserMods/misc_dot.gif" border=0>
<a href="05_Gateway.asp?action=checkout"><%=langGenCheckout%></a>&nbsp;
<td align=right valign=middle width="50%">
&nbsp;<a href="default.asp"><%=langGenHome%></a>
<img src="../UserMods/misc_dot.gif" border=0>
<a href="prodList.asp"><%=langGenAllCategories%></a>
<img src="../UserMods/misc_dot.gif" border=0>
<a href="contactUs.asp"><%=langGenContactUsHdr%></a>
<img src="../UserMods/misc_cleardot.gif" border=0 width=1 height=9><br>
<!-- Main Shopping Cart Area -->
<table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" align="center" width="100%">

<!-- Main Shopping Cart Area -->
<td align="center" valign="top" width="100%">
<td align="left" valign="top" width="135">
<!-- Categories -->
<table border=0 cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=5 width=135 class="CPbox2">
<td nowrap align=center class="CPbox2H">
<td align=right class="CPbox2B">
<a href="prodList.asp"><%=langGenAllCategories%></a>&nbsp;<br>
<a href="prodList.asp?special=Y"><%=langGenSpecials%></a>&nbsp;<br>
<img src="../UserMods/misc_cleardot.gif" border=0 width=1 height=8><br>

<!-- What's New -->
<table border=0 cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=5 width=135 class="CPbox2">
<td nowrap align=center class="CPbox2H">
<td align=right class="CPbox2B">
<img src="../UserMods/misc_cleardot.gif" border=0 width=1 height=8><br>
<!-- Top Sellers -->
<table border=0 cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=5 width=135 class="CPbox2">
<td nowrap align=center class="CPbox2H">
<td align=right class="CPbox2B">

<!-- Spacer -->
<td style="width:10px">
<img src="../UserMods/misc_cleardot.gif" border=0 width=10 height=1>

<!-- Draw line at the bottom -->
<img src="../UserMods/misc_cleardot.gif" border=0 width=1 height=8><br>
<table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" width="100%">
<tr><td class="CPgenHeadings">&nbsp;</td></tr>

חזרה לפורום

כלי אשכול חפש באשכול זה
חפש באשכול זה:

חיפוש מתקדם
מצבי תצוגה דרג אשכול זה
דרג אשכול זה:

מזער את תיבת המידע אפשרויות משלוח הודעות
אתה לא יכול לפתוח אשכולות חדשים
אתה לא יכול להגיב לאשכולות
אתה לא יכול לצרף קבצים
אתה לא יכול לערוך את ההודעות שלך

קוד vB פעיל
קוד [IMG] פעיל
קוד HTML כבוי
מעבר לפורום

כל הזמנים המוצגים בדף זה הם לפי איזור זמן GMT +2. השעה כעת היא 15:06

הדף נוצר ב 0.08 שניות עם 12 שאילתות

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