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כלי אשכול חפש באשכול זה

ישן 05-04-2011, 22:22
צלמית המשתמש של looklook
  משתמש זכר looklook looklook אינו מחובר  
חבר מתאריך: 28.10.01
הודעות: 29,140
J street (ארגון הממומן בידי סורוס) התנגד למכתב של אנשי קונגרס נגד ההסתה ברש"פ

WASHINGTON – J Street’s opposition to a congressional letter criticizing Palestinian incitement has led more members to sign on, according to Hill sources tracking the issue.

The letter to US President Obama, written by Rep. Steve Rothman (D-New Jersey) and Rep. Steve Austria (R-Ohio) in the wake of the Itamar murders, charges that “Palestinian incitement continues and there is almost no effort by them to promote coexistence and peace.”

Borderline Views: At the corner of J Street and the future

It calls for the White House to “do everything possible to urge [Palestinian Authority] President [Mahmoud] Abbas to root out terrorism, return to negotiations without preconditions, earnestly work toward peace with Israel, and slam the door on any effort to deal with final status issues at the United Nations.”

In response, J Street sent an email to members of the US House urging them not to sign it and issued a statement attacking the its contents as “containing material omissions and misrepresentations of fact and presenting a biased and inaccurate picture.”

“Much of the social history of the Western world over the past three decades has involved replacing what worked with what sounded good”

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