меве аъш Fresh          
  афщшеъ ъфшйи  шащй     афщшеъ ъфшйи  ц'аи     афщшеъ ъфшйи  обжчйн     афщшеъ ъфшйи  цеш чщш     зх щоамд ●●● бшелйн дбайн ам фешен цба ебйизеп ●●● мфрй длъйбд бфешен зебд мчшеа аъ гбш дордм ●●● тчбе азшйре! ●●● зх йойрд  

мк азешд   мебй дфешеойн > зйймйн, цба ебйизеп > цба ебизеп
щоеш мтцок чйщеш мгу жд баъшй щойшъ чйщешйн збшъййн
лмй ащлем зфщ бащлем жд

йщп 03-10-2015, 00:26
цмойъ дощъощ щм дажшз
  ощъощ жлш дажшз дажшз айре озебш  
збш оъашйк: 01.08.05
дегтеъ: 12,641
... е"доишйд" отм дбсйс....
бъвебд мдегтд осфш 1 щрлъбд тм йгй дажшз щоъзймд б "бсйс з"а шесй бмичйд"


"Ships of the Navy task force led by the missile cruiser" Moskva ", located in the eastern Mediterranean, have started working out problems of defense airbase at Latakia, which houses the Russian air group," - said "Interfax-AVN."*According to him, the ships connections are made single artillery firing at air targets. "In the coming days, coming joint exercises naval group, during which they will perform a major episode - group shooting anti-aircraft missiles at air targets, together with ground air defense systems. The purpose of the exercise - to check the effectiveness of the cover of the air base at Latakia from air strikes," - said, the agency.*According to the source, one of the episodes of the exercise would be the detection and destruction of terrorist forces in the coastal zone, as well as efforts to prevent the landing of troops in the port.*On the cruiser "Moskva" is located camp headquarters, which manages the teaching. The exercise involved a patrol ship "Sharp-witted", a large landing ship "Saratov" and support vessels.
ъвебд мма цйиеи ъвебд тн цйиеи зжшд мфешен
йщп 03-10-2015, 00:34
цмойъ дощъощ щм дажшз
  ощъощ жлш дажшз дажшз айре озебш  
збш оъашйк: 01.08.05
дегтеъ: 12,641
оишеъ щдеъчфе б-2.10.15
бъвебд мдегтд осфш 1 щрлъбд тм йгй дажшз щоъзймд б "бсйс з"а шесй бмичйд"


Syria. Evening summary of the Ministry of DefensetwowerOctober 2, 21:55During the day, October 2 Russian aviation group continued application of point air attacks on targets of terrorist groups in Syria LIH.With airbase "Hmeymim" carried out 14 missions Su-34, Su-24M and Su-25, during which it was applied 6 strikes against targets of the terrorist group LIH.Su-25 near Maaret En NUUMAN, Idlib, completely destroyed the factory disguised as a large gas cylinder shop for the production of land mines and improvised explosive devices.Also destroyed is located near the base of arms and military equipment of terrorists. As a result of strike burned more than a dozen pieces of equipment, among them - infantry fighting vehicles.In the area of ​​El LATAMNA province of Hama, the Su-34 bombers with guided aerial bombs struck by recessed command post militants. According to the objective control, a direct hit bombs control station and ground infrastructure is completely destroyed.In the same area of ​​the Su-25, dealt a blow to the two bunkers in which the control points located militias and terrorists warehouses. As a result of contact with an object detonated munitions to completely destroy the object.In the area of ​​Khan Shaykhun, Idlib, precision strikes bombers Su-24M and Su-25 destroyed a control point militias LIH.Precision guidance for the purposes of aircraft of the Russian air group in Syria reached their application in a single reconnaissance strike complexe
ъвебд мма цйиеи ъвебд тн цйиеи зжшд мфешен
йщп 03-10-2015, 22:15
  ощъощ жлш Nargila Dwarf Nargila Dwarf айре озебш  
збш оъашйк: 11.01.14
дегтеъ: 1,378
бъвебд мдегтд осфш 1 щрлъбд тм йгй дажшз щоъзймд б "бсйс з"а шесй бмичйд"

. фйшеж сешйд орщч аб"л ма чщеш блмм мйщшам.
оощм аебаод сйргм аъ тцое лщдцдйш щйфтм рвг ощиш асг ан йщъощ брщч аб"л,
дътмн одтебгеъ дотйгеъ тм щйоещ брщч лжд фтн азш фтн,
елщлбш ай афщш дйд мдълзщ моцйаеъ, дн двйте мдслод тн асг мвбй дфйшеж.
аъд йлем митеп щогебш бдфтмъ оъезлоъ щм лез шк,
од щарй шеад фд жд зесш йлемъ мтоег боймд щмдн.

The WMD removar had nothing to do with Israel, but Israael gained a lot from it.
It was done without a shot fired, despite conflicting messages and uncertainty from the US as you wrote.
For a badly made threat it was a pretty good result. Assad took it seriously.
I'm not putting any sugar on it, the Obama administration messed up and in Syria, and continues to do.

They admitted that there is no real strategy for the war in Syria-Irak beyond the fight on ISIS.
ашд"б естегйд дешйге аъ озйшй дрфи бтемн.
ашд"б вн афщшд мшесйд млбещ аъ чшйоад, ещъй озежеъ ресфйн щм аечшайрд, мошеъ щашд"б дъзййбд мдвп тм щмоеъд етм вбемеъйд бдслн дфйшеж щм аечшайрд орщч вштйрй.
аъд йлем митеп щже ъчйфд лмлмйъ оъезлоъ езщйбд озех мчефса,
арй шеад фд бвйгд ббп бшйъ, дфшд едътмоеъ одслн дврд тм бп бшйъ, елрйтд мъечфреъ дшесйъ.

First, I think the oil price drop was a response to the ukraine invasion.
With US and european sanctions it is in line with how the US and european countries use pressure. See Iran.
It is a good way to pressure Russia without raising the threat of armed conflict.
And the main course:
You are right, the US did not do the part it signed on. Call it treason, fine.
The conflict in the Ukraine first through gaslines and other means is not new.
You realy see any US admin sending troops to the Ukrain?
Bush JR would do it? His Dad? Saint Reagan Slayer of the Evil Empire?
Come on now be serious.

Sending US forces to the Ukraine would be like a reverse Cuba crysis.
There was no way for the US to stop a Russian invasion. Maybe, possibly prevent it.

Russian Agression. I like that, very 80's.
арй вн шеад щдодмк щм стегйд ретг "мщбеш аъ дщеч" лгй мдфйм оъзшйн йчшйн (ежд тебг мдн бщеечйн лое бшжйм ечргд, ебчшеб вн башд"б), лк щдодмк джд ма чщеш йщйшеъ маечшайрд, есбйш щдйд чешд вн мма щен чщш.

Two years ago there was real talk about "Peak Oil". Who saw lower prices coming?

. маешк ддйсиешйд ой щдъозд бдфтмъ лез шк гееча дйе дшесйн, тн дътшбейеъ цбайеъ йщйшеъ беггеъ бмбг блм ощк зййд щм бшд"о. дгевоа диебд бйеъш дйа омзоъ аевгп, бд ддътшбеъ дцбайъ щмдн лммд ъошеп щм дрзъъ осфш гйбйжйеъ, бмй мйшеъ лгеш азг.
маеш ддърдвеъ щм аебаод тг дйен, дшбд йеъш сбйш щдърдвеъе ребтъ озесш дбрд щм айк азшйн зещбйн, оащш одбрд отемд щм айк азшйн зещбйн ерйдем орйфемцйеъ обшйчеъ......

Russia did great with diplomacy during the invasion of ukraine, the Iran talks,
and in getting russian soldiers as peace keepers in Georgia.
Did they not send troops during the NATO 98 balkan war?
Russia is great in diplomacy, sure.

Where did the "brilliant manipulations" come from?
Being able to get the oil price to drop is something that only a power on the scale of the US\China can do. Pretty cool.

About how Obama understands others.
I think that Obama sees no real american interests lost in Ukraine, Syria and Irak beyond the good name of the US.
He is willing to pay that price and so will not risk american lives (beyond SOF).
He uses other tools than direct military force.

шесйд тещд аъ жд оаеъд сйбд щдн рлрсе маечшайрд, емваешвйд б 2008.
досш фщеи - шесйд ътщд од щшесйд шецд, еайп ау азг щйтжеш млп.

Both Ukraine and Syria are not about messages. Russia was about to lose real interests in both and reacted to at least salvage some of them.
In Ukraine Russia lost the whole country salvaging only parts of it by conflict and at great price.
In Georgia 2008 Russia was attacked first no? Russia just had an opportunity, and the west had no reason to care.
In Syria Russia only reacts when Assad is about to fall.
Russia helps creating a Shia crescent (not a Russian interest!) and will probably lose many lives and resources defending a failed dictator.

All in all Russia is in a pretty bad place. Deep in one conflict and entering another.
Losing money on cheap oil, and seeing it's european neighbours getting more and more western.

Now off I go to wikipedia to read about the Ogaden War.
Sing while you may
- The Legendary Pink Dots

ртшк мазшерд т"й Nargila Dwarf бъашйк 03-10-2015 бщтд 22:21.
ъвебд мма цйиеи ъвебд тн цйиеи зжшд мфешен
йщп 04-10-2015, 01:24
цмойъ дощъощ щм cre666
  cre666 cre666 айре озебш  
збш оъашйк: 16.09.06
дегтеъ: 4,878
бъвебд мдегтд осфш 5 щрлъбд тм йгй Nargila Dwarf щоъзймд б "[right] [QUOTE] . фйшеж сешйд..."

1. фйшеж сешйд оаб"к дйд фзеъ оод щашд"б аййод мтщеъ бочшд щасг йщъощ брщч лйой.
ан арй оаййн тмййк щарй адшев аеък, ебсеу реъп мк сийшд, дан дсийшд щръъй дйа дцмзд щмй ае тгеъ мзесш дйлемъ щмй?

2. дрзъ доеца щмк щотцод дешйгд аъ озйшй дрфи оеитд. двешн дтйчшй мйшйгъ озйшй дрфи же стегйд, едн тще аъ жд осйбеъ лмлмйеъ.
ашд"б ощъфъ фтемд лй жд тебг миебън, абм аечшайрд ма дййъд щйчем одеъй бодмк щм стегйд.
дйа лршад дййъд щйчем бдзмид щм ашд"б, абм щеб, ашд"б ма дебймд аъ додмк, дстегйн оебймйн аеъе (ейщ диетрйн щдодмк йца олмм щмйид, едстегйн лбш ожоп ма щемийн бе).
Speaking American, Saudi Arabia is givig them what Rockefeller used to call a "good sweating" when Standard Oil ruled the market.

3. арй оцфд оогйрд щшецд щогйреъ азшеъ йсоле тм доймд щмд, щбаоъ ътоег боймд щмд.
ашд"б щма орсд мчййн аъ ддъзййбейеъ щмд, дйа ашд"б щддъзййбейеъ щмд ма щееъ лмен.
The US is a CoD bussiness now. Cash on Delivery only, since no one will give it any credit....

4. аъд баоъ зещб щщен айришс щм ашд"б ма рфвт баечшайрд, сешйд етйшч? лй оайфд щарй йещб, жд лое мдвйг щщен айришс ма рфвт йен азшй фшм дашбеш...
бжд щдеа оелп мдчшйб аъ бтмй бшйъе бщбйм мзсек бзйй ажшзй ашд"б, деа тег йщмн бдшбд йеъш гн щм ажшзйе.
шч щарй оаойп мод щаебаод аош. Not on my watch. тег оти дощошъ щме рвошъ, еойщде азш йщмн аъ дозйш...

4. арй отшйх аъ дйлемъ щмк мдцгйч аъ дшесйн, лгй мсфч ъйшецйн маебаод. мдвйг щшесйд дйа дчшбп бваешвйд 2008
жд лое мдвйг щайшп дйа дчешбп лщйщшам дешвъ арщй ощошеъ додфлд бвбем сешйд.
фъаен ддътшбеъ щм шесйд бабзжйд еаесийд ма шмеерий, ешч дъвебд дваешвйъ дйа дбтйд... дбръй.
ъоерд щдетмъд тм йгй вемщ баъш емлп айп аре йлемйн мгтъ од дйа олймдA nation is a society united by delusions about its ancestry and by common hatred of its neighbors - William Ralph
огйръ йщшам ъйбзп ма бтещш, ма бцба ема билрйчд, ама бгоеъд доесшйъ ебтшлййд дарещййн - бп-вешйеп
Give a man fire, and he will be warm for a day. Set a man on fire, and he will be worm for the rest of his life...

ъвебд мма цйиеи ъвебд тн цйиеи зжшд мфешен
йщп 04-10-2015, 17:48
  AJ-47 AJ-47 айре озебш  
збш оъашйк: 07.04.08
дегтеъ: 6,949
бъвебд мдегтд осфш 6 щрлъбд тм йгй cre666 щоъзймд б "1. фйшеж сешйд оаб"к дйд фзеъ..."

бочеш рлъб тм йгй cre666
дрзъ доеца щмк щотцод дешйгд аъ озйшй дрфи оеитд. двешн дтйчшй мйшйгъ озйшй дрфи же стегйд, едн тще аъ жд осйбеъ лмлмйеъ.
мдбръй алп дстегйн дебйме аъ додмк щм дешгъ озйшйн ежаъ боишд мщбеш аъ длгайеъ длмлмйъ мдфчъ рфи о"фцмй щоп". реща жд аоеш дйд мдфек аъ ашд"б мйцшрйъ осфш 1 бтемн бййцеш рфи, абм жде ъдмйк йчш (гешщ дшбд аршвйд) емлп стегйд дешйгд озйшйн боишд мдчийп/мдфсйч аъ лгайеъ дййцеш офцмй щоп. офйчеъ дрфи ргшщеъ лтъ мдчийп децаеъ емдвгйм аъ дйтмеъ бдфчъ рфи офцмй щоп.

2. арй оцфд оогйрд щшецд щогйреъ азшеъ йсоле тм доймд щмд, щбаоъ ътоег боймд щмд.
ашд"б щма орсд мчййн аъ ддъзййбейеъ щмд, дйа ашд"б щддъзййбейеъ щмд ма щееъ лмен.
The US is a CoD bussiness now. Cash on Delivery only, since no one will give it any credit....
же бдзми ддшвщд бтемн дшзб лемм дотшбй.

4. аъд баоъ зещб щщен айришс щм ашд"б ма рфвт баечшайрд, сешйд етйшч? лй оайфд щарй йещб, жд лое мдвйг щщен айришс ма рфвт йен азшй фшм дашбеш..
дайришс даошйчай дтйчшй щрфвт же даойреъ щм ашд"б, еоцг щрй лм ашцеъ ожшз айшефд ощгшвеъ аъ отшлеъ дрщч щмдн мотшлеъ отшбйеъ, мщозън щм йцшрйеъ дрщч.

бжд щдеа оелп мдчшйб аъ бтмй бшйъе бщбйм мзсек бзйй ажшзй ашд"б, деа тег йщмн бдшбд йеъш гн щм ажшзйе. шч щарй оаойп мод щаебаод аош. Not on my watch. тег оти дощошъ щме рвошъ, еойщде азш йщмн аъ дозйш...
жд бдзми рлеп.

4. арй отшйх аъ дйлемъ щмк мдцгйч аъ дшесйн, лгй мсфч ъйшецйн маебаод. мдвйг щшесйд дйа дчшбп бваешвйд 2008
мгтъй дъвебд дшесйъ бсешйд ебаечшайрд дйа бдзми оецгчъ, еарй ма аъфма ан йен азг дашцеъ дбмийеъ йтжбе аъ раи"е.

ъвебд мма цйиеи ъвебд тн цйиеи зжшд мфешен
йщп 06-10-2015, 21:24
  ощъощ жлш Nargila Dwarf Nargila Dwarf айре озебш  
збш оъашйк: 11.01.14
дегтеъ: 1,378
бъвебд мдегтд осфш 6 щрлъбд тм йгй cre666 щоъзймд б "1. фйшеж сешйд оаб"к дйд фзеъ..."

фйшеж сешйд оаб"к дйд фзеъ оод щашд"б аййод мтщеъ бочшд щасг йщъощ брщч лйой.
ан арй оаййн тмййк щарй адшев аеък, ебсеу реъп мк сийшд, дан дсийшд щръъй дйа дцмзд щмй ае тгеъ мзесш дйлемъ щмй?

Getting rid of the WMD worked. This means that Assad saw the threat as credible enough.
Possibly could be better.
. дрзъ доеца щмк щотцод дешйгд аъ озйшй дрфи оеитд. двешн дтйчшй мйшйгъ озйшй дрфи же стегйд, едн тще аъ жд осйбеъ лмлмйеъ.
ашд"б ощъфъ фтемд лй жд тебг миебън, абм аечшайрд ма дййъд щйчем одеъй бодмк щм стегйд.
дйа лршад дййъд щйчем бдзмид щм ашд"б, абм щеб, ашд"б ма дебймд аъ додмк, дстегйн оебймйн аеъе (ейщ диетрйн щдодмк йца олмм щмйид, едстегйн лбш ожоп ма щемийн бе).
Speaking American, Saudi Arabia is givig them what Rockefeller used to call a "good sweating" when Standard Oil ruled the market

The annexation of the crimea took place in March 2014.

I checked the price of crude oil here. Bloomberg had interesting charts.
From the bloomberg chart the US massively increased it's production since 2010,
so the US only continue to produce more.
From this OPEC charts website it looks like Saudi increased production directly after
the annexation, with a lowering of the production later and again a rise.
Looks related to me, but I agree that the Saudis do not just do favors and have their own reasons.

3. арй оцфд оогйрд щшецд щогйреъ азшеъ йсоле тм доймд щмд, щбаоъ ътоег боймд щмд.
ашд"б щма орсд мчййн аъ ддъзййбейеъ щмд, дйа ашд"б щддъзййбейеъ щмд ма щееъ лмен.
The US is a CoD bussiness now. Cash on Delivery only, since no one will give it any credit....

That is honorable but not very realistic.
Since the agreement was signed The Ukraine fell into corruption, missmanagement,
and generally not deciding if it wants to be a russian sattelite or not.
Should the US risk a real confrontation with Russia for the Ukraine?
Parts of Ukraine welcome the Russian annexation and occupation,
Where does the US stand there?
There are probably more steps, even more agressive that the US can take against Russia.
I do not see a military intervention as one of them.

Do you see an administration moving substantial forces into the Ukraine after the invasion?
A very risk taking admin maybe-maybe would send some before an invasion.
But the US did not see it coming.

I saw CoD as Call of Duty (it is a video game), sounds about right.
. аъд баоъ зещб щщен айришс щм ашд"б ма рфвт баечшайрд, сешйд етйшч? лй оайфд щарй йещб, жд лое мдвйг щщен айришс ма рфвт йен азшй фшм дашбеш...

Simplistically, No interest was hurt what so ever. "And nothing of value was lost"
None of the three countries are allies of the US in any way shape or form.
In more details, the US loses if a Shia crescent is formed and is stable.
It is a joke do compare Pearl Harbour to any of the above. The US was lucky not to lose big parts of it's fleet. Not so in Syria, Iraq, Ukraine

бжд щдеа оелп мдчшйб аъ бтмй бшйъе бщбйм мзсек бзйй ажшзй ашд"б, деа тег йщмн бдшбд йеъш гн щм ажшзйе.
шч щарй оаойп мод щаебаод аош. Not on my watch. тег оти дощошъ щме рвошъ, еойщде азш йщмн аъ дозйш...

I agree, I believe him too.

. арй отшйх аъ дйлемъ щмк мдцгйч аъ дшесйн, лгй мсфч ъйшецйн маебаод. мдвйг щшесйд дйа дчшбп бваешвйд 2008
жд лое мдвйг щайшп дйа дчешбп лщйщшам дешвъ арщй ощошеъ додфлд бвбем сешйд.
фъаен ддътшбеъ щм шесйд бабзжйд еаесийд ма шмеерий, ешч дъвебд дваешвйъ дйа дбтйд... дбръй.

I was reacting to your line that it was a message to other countries. I think that the message was secondary to the taking over.

I'm not justifying anything. Russia played the same strategy for years before that, now in Ukraine, and soon probably in the baltics.
In 2008 the Georgia leadership made a mistake that the Russian siezed. I did not use it as an excuse for Obama.

Let me write it more clearly:
In Georgia, Russia siezed the opportunity to take over more area\resources and destroy the georgian forces.
The Russian action in Ukraine\Syria is about salvaging Russian intersts.
In all three cases, the message of Russian power is a bonus, not the goal.
Sing while you may
- The Legendary Pink Dots

ъвебд мма цйиеи ъвебд тн цйиеи зжшд мфешен
йщп 07-10-2015, 09:49
цмойъ дощъощ щм cre666
  cre666 cre666 айре озебш  
збш оъашйк: 16.09.06
дегтеъ: 4,878
бъвебд мдегтд осфш 8 щрлъбд тм йгй Nargila Dwarf щоъзймд б "[QUOTE] фйшеж сешйд оаб"к дйд..."

1. бйвесмбйд, рвг сшбйд бъойлд шесйъ, ашд"б ма дфвйрд лже земщд.
айк щма ъсълм тм жд, дцешк мчбм аъ ддслод щм шесйд есешйд лгй мфшч аъ сешйд орщч WMD отйг тм земщд щм ашд"б.

2. дръерйн щдбаъ тм дфчъ еозйш дрфи оцгйчйн аъ дитрд щмй. држч мшесйд деа ъецш мееай щм огйрйеъ лмлмйъ стегйъ, щашд"б ма дървгд мд.
ма ъвебд оецмзъ щм оощм аебаод мъчйфд дшесйъ баечшайрд...

3. аъд баоъ зещб щма шйамй мцфеъ оогйреъ щйчййое аъ ддъзййбейеъ щмдп?

дцешк мчййн дслойн ма ребт олбег ае чег аъй олебг лмщде. деа ребт одйзс щаъд оцфд мчбм бтъйг одсеббйн аеък.
аъд йлем мдащйн аъ оебашч еаечшайрд бдшбд гбшйн, ебцгч.
абм дтебгд дйа щлщстегйд бзшд мфмещ мъйоп дйа ма тглрд аъ ашд"б, лй ддъзййбейеъ щм ашд"б ма щееъ дшбд бйойре, еллд дстегйн оъййзсйн амйдп.
дтйшчйн щйъфе фтемд тн айшп бомзоъ дажшзйн щмдн, етлщйе тн шесйд. обзйрън ашд"б йлемд мщмез рщч еъзоещъ, дн ма сеолйн тмйд. дн сеолйн йеъш тм айшп.
дйфарйн дбйре аъ жд мфрй лемн, едн офсйчйн мсоек тм ддслн дцбай тн ашд"б, елбш щръййн ощрйн аъ дзеч лгй щйдйд зечй мбреъ цба.

ан аъд зещб щщен гбш ма абг ещашд"б ма рйжечд бъдмйлйн даме, арй ма оълееп мрсеъ мщлрт аеък.
абм ан аъд зещб щржч рогг блод сфйреъ дефцце, бшеш аъд осълм шч тм змч оаег чип одсфчишен.

4. длрсъ лезеъ цбаййн щм ашд"б мчшйоад азшй дсйфез жд оти огй оаезш огй, бтйчш лй жд ба азшй щрйн бдп ашд"б офвйрд земщд (ебзжйъ дшесйъ цшйк мжлеш аъ бещ бваешвйд 2008).
дъвебд дййъд цшйлд мдъбсс тм раие, емфтем бщбетеъ дшащерйн бцешд дзмийъ.

ощош дрщйа ббешчйрд фасе ъфс аъ дщмиеп богйрд мазшерд, еасш аъ дрщйа есвре. майзег дафшйчай мчз йойн беггйн мдцдйш щдн йътшбе цбайъ, рщйай срвм ебрйп дъзйме бдлреъ феобйеъ мфмйщд (йеъш гйбше тм жд оащш баоъ тще).
ъек фзеъ ощбетййн ощош дрщйа рлрт едщмиеп зжш мрщйа.
очшд геод дйд богвсчш мфрй лод щрйн.
ан ашд"б дййъд ошад рзйщеъ лже, йщ сйлей иеб оаег щдлезеъ дшесййн бчшйоад ма дйе йецайн одбсйсйн щмдн...
тлщйе арй орзщ щдъвебд щмк ълмем дтшеъ мвбй омзоъ темн щмйщйъ, емчйзъ сйлерйн , ещтгйу ма мтщеъ аъ жд.
бомзод дчегоъ раош тм ц'ййобшмйп щрйърд ме бзйшд бйп омзод мбйп бещд. деа бзш ббещд емлп чйбм аъ щрйдн.
ршад од йдйд доощм дба башд"б, абм жд длйееп щдн демлйн амйе.

P.S. You remind me of someone I used to know, did you ever write under the nick "r3d gamba"?
ъоерд щдетмъд тм йгй вемщ баъш емлп айп аре йлемйн мгтъ од дйа олймдA nation is a society united by delusions about its ancestry and by common hatred of its neighbors - William Ralph
огйръ йщшам ъйбзп ма бтещш, ма бцба ема билрйчд, ама бгоеъд доесшйъ ебтшлййд дарещййн - бп-вешйеп
Give a man fire, and he will be warm for a day. Set a man on fire, and he will be worm for the rest of his life...

ъвебд мма цйиеи ъвебд тн цйиеи зжшд мфешен
йщп 08-10-2015, 21:13
  ощъощ жлш Nargila Dwarf Nargila Dwarf айре озебш  
збш оъашйк: 11.01.14
дегтеъ: 1,378
бъвебд мдегтд осфш 9 щрлъбд тм йгй cre666 щоъзймд б "1. бйвесмбйд, рвг сшбйд..."

I checked the map. Serbia is not on the borders of russia, was not at the time.
Serbia was involved in a long civil war, and the whole of NATO was on for the ride
(first ground forces to shoot and kill were german)
Russia was not a side in the conflict.
The risk of engaging russian forces was very low. After russian forces arrived everyone got careful, very careful.
Ukraine - Serbia are Very different cases.

Price of oil, I'll admit it is not clear cut. However the Saudis continue to raise their production even now as the price drops even more.
This clearly hurts them and can only be motivated by the Saudis wanting to hurt Russia and Iran.
Clearly the US and Saudis are in the same boat on this.

. аъд баоъ зещб щма шйамй мцфеъ оогйреъ щйчййое аъ ддъзййбейеъ щмдп?

дцешк мчййн дслойн ма ребт олбег ае чег аъй олебг лмщде. деа ребт одйзс щаъд оцфд мчбм бтъйг одсеббйн аеък.
аъд йлем мдащйн аъ оебашч еаечшайрд бдшбд гбшйн, ебцгч.
абм дтебгд дйа щлщстегйд бзшд мфмещ мъйоп дйа ма тглрд аъ ашд"б, лй ддъзййбейеъ щм ашд"б ма щееъ дшбд бйойре, еллд дстегйн оъййзсйн амйдп.
дтйшчйн щйъфе фтемд тн айшп бомзоъ дажшзйн щмдн, етлщйе тн шесйд. обзйрън ашд"б йлемд мщмез рщч еъзоещъ, дн ма сеолйн тмйд. дн сеолйн йеъш тм айшп.
дйфарйн дбйре аъ жд мфрй лемн, едн офсйчйн мсоек тм ддслн дцбай тн ашд"б, елбш щръййн ощрйн аъ дзеч лгй щйдйд зечй мбреъ цба.

I like the "Not trust the US" thing.
My favourite is thememe "Obama Who?" that king abdullah says in his flight jacket...
as he climbs off the F-16, soon to be reloaded with US munitions.
I realy like that.

No need to trust the US. Israel, Jordan, KSA are still completely dependant on it.

Agreement part - fair enough.
Again, what other US administration would send forces?

Did Saudi consult the US the last time in Yemen?
Is it not the US that is behind the peace talks, since the Saudis can start a fight but can not finish it?
Saudi arabia(and company - Kuwait, Qatar) are starting to pay for decades of irresponsibl politics, mismanagement, corruption, and export of bad ideas and people.
It is a mystery why IS is not taking over them yet. Give it a year or two.
The Yemen war is a failure of the Saudis.

The US gave up on Irak when it was clear that Al-Maliki was not with them.
Irak was not seen as an ally for at least three years. No interests lost after writing off in 2011.
And true, the US has no policy for Irak now.

ан аъд зещб щщен гбш ма абг ещашд"б ма рйжечд бъдмйлйн даме, арй ма оълееп мрсеъ мщлрт аеък.
абм ан аъд зещб щржч рогг блод сфйреъ дефцце, бшеш аъд осълм шч тм змч оаег чип одсфчишен.
I think Hard interests were not hurt - Shipping routs, drilling contracts\rights, commerce agreements, oil supply, etc.
The good name of the US trades lower, true. It did so before after viet-nam, Lebanon, Mogadishu.
. длрсъ лезеъ цбаййн щм ашд"б мчшйоад азшй дсйфез жд оти огй оаезш огй, бтйчш лй жд ба азшй щрйн бдп ашд"б офвйрд земщд (ебзжйъ дшесйъ цшйк мжлеш аъ бещ бваешвйд 2008).
дъвебд дййъд цшйлд мдъбсс тм раие, емфтем бщбетеъ дшащерйн бцешд дзмийъ.

Too little too late. Oh yes. And add insult to injury - they did not see it coming.
Georgia 2008 - The US had no business sticking it's head into Georgia, while fighting two wars no less.

NATO would not be along to save the Ukraine, no sir.
You can maybe convince the US, but the Europeans know their neighbours better.
You see Germany, Danmark, Norway or Italy sticking their heads in that?
Not sure Poland would or even the baltics.

Sanctions unlike war have a real chance of hurting specific russian interets and crippling russia itself.
ощош дрщйа ббешчйрд фасе ъфс аъ дщмиеп богйрд мазшерд, еасш аъ дрщйа есвре. майзег дафшйчай мчз йойн беггйн мдцдйш щдн йътшбе цбайъ, рщйай срвм ебрйп дъзйме бдлреъ феобйеъ мфмйщд (йеъш гйбше тм жд оащш баоъ тще).
ъек фзеъ ощбетййн ощош дрщйа рлрт едщмиеп зжш мрщйа.
очшд геод дйд богвсчш мфрй лод щрйн.

You give the African union as example of something that works?
Sudan (south and Darfur), Mali war (thanks France), Zimbabwe, Al-Shabab, Malaria and AIDS.
.Good job everyone! Africa is in good hands
ан ашд"б дййъд ошад рзйщеъ лже, йщ сйлей иеб оаег щдлезеъ дшесййн бчшйоад ма дйе йецайн одбсйсйн щмдн...

That is some crystal ball you have there. You can see into the FUTURE!
тлщйе арй орзщ щдъвебд щмк ълмем дтшеъ мвбй омзоъ темн щмйщйъ, емчйзъ сйлерйн , ещтгйу ма мтщеъ аъ жд.
бомзод дчегоъ раош тм ц'ййобшмйп щрйърд ме бзйшд бйп омзод мбйп бещд. деа бзш ббещд емлп чйбм аъ щрйдн.
ршад од йдйд доощм дба башд"б, абм жд длйееп щдн демлйн амйе.

Why go and Godwin a good discussion?
This part is just... eh. A non argument.

And to make it clear. Agreement or not.
No other US admin would send those forces to the Ukraine.
The time of the NeoConswhatever is gone.
It's the kind of attitude that Putin, the chinese, and the Saudis eats for breakfast.

No Idea who red gamba is. Not me.
Sing while you may
- The Legendary Pink Dots

ъвебд мма цйиеи ъвебд тн цйиеи зжшд мфешен
йщп 08-10-2015, 21:42
цмойъ дощъощ щм cre666
  cre666 cre666 айре озебш  
збш оъашйк: 16.09.06
дегтеъ: 4,878
бъвебд мдегтд осфш 10 щрлъбд тм йгй Nargila Dwarf щоъзймд б "[left]I checked the map...."

1. арй оцйт мфъез сфшй дйсиешйд ема офеъ. дйен бе шесйд дсйшд аъ дъойлд щмд осшбйд, бйерй 99, дйд дйен бе оймещебйх рлрт.
йвесмбйд еаечшайрд дйе очшйн щерйн, лй ддрдвд дшесйъ дййъд дшбд фзеъ ъчйфд, едъвебд щм раие дшбд йеъш (чегн гйфмеоийъ еаж цбайъ). дйен доцб дфек, емлп дъецад дфелд.

2. бчщш мрфи, фвйтд байшп бдзми змч одоеийбцйд дстегйъ, бгйеч лое фвйтд бдфчъ рфи оочешеъ йчшйн йеъш, лое щайбд одйн, отеоч шб еййцеш гмч офцмй щоп - дилремевйд щашд"б орсд мчгн.
додмк оетйм мстегйд, ефевт бйп дйъш бтцоаеъ ййцеш дгмч щм ашд"б.
ашд"б ма оървгъ лй жд февт вн бшесйд, елй йщ мд айришсйн бстегйд.
абм жд ма дефк аъ дешгъ дрфи модмк оецмз щм аебаод мфвйтд бшесйд....

3. ддрзд щбтмй дбшйъ щм ойщде йщаше раорйн мошеъ щдн ма сеолйн тмйе, шч лй дн жчечйн ме - оаег бтййъйъ.
же бгйеч дгшк мифз щрад, емзиеу слйп бвб бшвт щмойщде обтмй бшйък ъдйд аефцйд азшъ. шеб дарщйн ма аедбйн мдйеъ орецмйн шч бвмм щойщде азш зжч одн.
еан мфеийп йщ щлм, мстегйд ъдйд аефцйд азшъ бчшеб.

ма дцмзъй мдбйп аеък. мод щгат"щ йъчфе аъ дстегйн?
дстегйн дн джшн дошлжй длй чшеб мгатщ бгтеъйе, ан лбш дн дазшерйн щгат"щ еам чтйгд йфвте бдн...
же дсйбд щаъд ма шеад аъ држч блк щбрй бшйък тешчйн азг азшй дщрй.
же бгйеч зесш ддбрд мвбй айк азшйн зещбйн, щоафййп аъ ддзмиеъ щм аебаод.

4. срчцйеъ тбге рдгш тм цфеп чешад еайшп. лм лк рдгш щдп дщйве аъ од щдп шце.
мйбшмйжн жд ма мфзг мдщъощ блез, мйбшмйжн чмасй жд мдщъощ блез блм фтн щдъетмъ маелмесйд вгемд одтмеъ. арй оомйх тм On liberty щм веп сийеаши ойм.
ъоерд щдетмъд тм йгй вемщ баъш емлп айп аре йлемйн мгтъ од дйа олймдA nation is a society united by delusions about its ancestry and by common hatred of its neighbors - William Ralph
огйръ йщшам ъйбзп ма бтещш, ма бцба ема билрйчд, ама бгоеъд доесшйъ ебтшлййд дарещййн - бп-вешйеп
Give a man fire, and he will be warm for a day. Set a man on fire, and he will be worm for the rest of his life...

ъвебд мма цйиеи ъвебд тн цйиеи зжшд мфешен
йщп 10-10-2015, 19:16
  ощъощ жлш Nargila Dwarf Nargila Dwarf айре озебш  
збш оъашйк: 11.01.14
дегтеъ: 1,378
бъвебд мдегтд осфш 11 щрлъбд тм йгй cre666 щоъзймд б "1. арй оцйт мфъез сфшй..."

In Serbia the enemy was the Serbes.
In the Ukraine the enemy would be the Russians.
Not same case, Nato or not, will or not.
It is a bad comparison.

On the Oil, I admit it is not clear cut that the americans are behind it.
However the Saudis continue to pump up the gas even now where it hurts the saudis themselves.
Why would they do it if not hurt Russia?
Yes, good opportunity for Russia-Saudi relations there.

With the Saudis (and Pakistan) the US is on the stabbed side here again and again. Both in exporting terrorism, financing it, etc.
There is growing resentment in the US and the current chilly relations are a symptom of that.
For Jordan and Israel the US is the only game in town, and the repeating reasurance
of the US to Israel, and the massive supply (and troops) to Jordan says that the US is serious.
This includes the latest training for airforces in the US and the coming Israel-US deals.

IS and the Gulf:
AQ are already against the Saudis, repeatedly criticized the Saudi gov for being allied with the US.
AQ attacked in Saudi - khobar towers. The attack was against US personnel. Probably more.
On twitter you can find some saudis that do not like their gov. They make AQ-IS look like nice people.

The gulf states would be easy target for IS.
There is large % that supports them, the governments are real life Bond villains. This will make IS welcomed and RICH.
Why stay in Syria and fight against competent enemies (SAA+Hizb+Iran) when you can go and raid the treasures of the gulf states who are not very good at military?
At least some bright mind in IS must see this, no?

No idea about Liberalism, why do you mention that?
Sanctions did not work on Irak either, the war and occupation were great success to the US.
Then it went to shit.

Since you can predict what will happen, so can I.
If the US / NATO would move forces into the Ukraine the situation would soon devolve
into a new Irak-Afghan-Lebanon(82)-Mogadishu.
This is what Putin expect.

Putin\Saudis\Pakistan(allies->knife->back up there)\Iran learned long ago how to manipulate and react to this way of US power projection.
Putin made a career out of it, Ahmedinejad got a PM post for it.
The Saudis, well they wrote the book.

There are limits to military power.
Military power would not save the Ukraine from Russia or from itself.
Sing while you may
- The Legendary Pink Dots

ъвебд мма цйиеи ъвебд тн цйиеи зжшд мфешен
йщп 11-10-2015, 17:23
цмойъ дощъощ щм cre666
  cre666 cre666 айре озебш  
збш оъашйк: 16.09.06
дегтеъ: 4,878
бъвебд мдегтд осфш 12 щрлъбд тм йгй Nargila Dwarf щоъзймд б "[left]In Serbia the enemy was..."

It is cute that you choose to compare Serbia to Ukraine AFTER Russia sent troops into the latter.
It didnt occuryou that interviening BEFORE would have preventrd the russian invation?

I've said it before, and I'll repeat myself - KSA is the cheapest supplier, so they lower their prices to bankrupt the compatition. What's so hard to get it?
And yeap, it does hurt the US a lot.

The US can resent whatever and whomever it chooses. If they want to influance those countries, they better stop acting as if they are irreplaceable.
They can promise Israel and Jordan as much as they wish. They have no credit in the middle east, no one trust them over here.

One point that you are missing is that from Syria to Yaman most of the population is AQ. What keeps them in check are their leaders. The same leaders the US is not willing to back up.
So without the US, our options are AQ/IS chaliphate, or Russian protectorates.

a more important one is that IS does not think like you do. you look at the war as an equity investment, and see the gulf states as the more lucrative option. They dont. They see a completly different world.
Putin does not have the Vietnam syndrom, the US does. Yet you keep assuming that he thinks in terms of the Vietnam/Mugadishu/lebanon "mud".
It is exactly this ethnocentricity that ruins Obama decision making, and obscures you from seeing it.

ъоерд щдетмъд тм йгй вемщ баъш емлп айп аре йлемйн мгтъ од дйа олймдA nation is a society united by delusions about its ancestry and by common hatred of its neighbors - William Ralph
огйръ йщшам ъйбзп ма бтещш, ма бцба ема билрйчд, ама бгоеъд доесшйъ ебтшлййд дарещййн - бп-вешйеп
Give a man fire, and he will be warm for a day. Set a man on fire, and he will be worm for the rest of his life...

ъвебд мма цйиеи ъвебд тн цйиеи зжшд мфешен
йщп 15-10-2015, 17:19
цмойъ дощъощ щм cre666
  cre666 cre666 айре озебш  
збш оъашйк: 16.09.06
дегтеъ: 4,878
бъвебд мдегтд осфш 14 щрлъбд тм йгй Nargila Dwarf щоъзймд б "[left]Dear Cre. I do not mean..."

Thanks for the compliments.
I know I've been blunt, but it seemed to me that this conversation needed a shake-up in order for us to listen to each other, and stop going around in circles.
I ment no disrespect.

The difference between IS and IQ is not about what is, or what should be.
It's only about how to priorities your battles.
AQ starts with the far away enemy, the infidales, so they branched out to Africa and the US.
IS starts with the near enemy, so they attack the local infidales, Shiites, Kurds, Mandeans and local christians.
But either way, the arabian peninsula states are at the bottom of both lists.

Now sure, some of their leaders are bound to be corrupt and are in it for the power/money/satistic tendencies. Moreover it is possiable that given the oppertunity some of AQ/IS members will attack a gulf state for personal gains.
But assuming that money plays a conciderable part of their decission making is so US.

Now lets play a little trick, please reread the last sentence and think about your initial automatic reaction.
If you thought that the proper way to phrase what I said is "But assuming that money plays a conciderable part of their decission making is so American" You can start realise the core of the problem.
Most Americans have nothing to do with the US, they speak Spanish and have a rather different culture....

US (and Russian BTW) have the same diseases colonial powers used to have. They assume that if the rest dont think like them, it means the rest are wrong...
ъоерд щдетмъд тм йгй вемщ баъш емлп айп аре йлемйн мгтъ од дйа олймдA nation is a society united by delusions about its ancestry and by common hatred of its neighbors - William Ralph
огйръ йщшам ъйбзп ма бтещш, ма бцба ема билрйчд, ама бгоеъд доесшйъ ебтшлййд дарещййн - бп-вешйеп
Give a man fire, and he will be warm for a day. Set a man on fire, and he will be worm for the rest of his life...

ртшк мазшерд т"й cre666 бъашйк 15-10-2015 бщтд 17:47.
ъвебд мма цйиеи ъвебд тн цйиеи зжшд мфешен
йщп 05-10-2015, 02:16
  AJ-47 AJ-47 айре озебш  
збш оъашйк: 07.04.08
дегтеъ: 6,949
бъвебд мдегтд осфш 1 щрлъбд тм йгй дажшз щоъзймд б "бсйс з"а шесй бмичйд"

ISIL Nightmare: Russia’s Most Dangerous Plane

02.10.2015 © Sputnik/ Alexei Druzhinin
ъоерд щдетмъд тм йгй вемщ баъш емлп айп аре йлемйн мгтъ од дйа олймд

Since the beginning of the Russian Armed Forces operation in Syria, everyone’s attention has been captured by the top-of-the-line Sukhoi Su-30SM Flanker-H fighters and the Su-34 Fullback bombers, but the single most effective Russian aircraft deployed to Syria is the Su-25 SM, or as NATO calls it, the ‘Frogfoot.’

The reputable Su-25SM can become the most effective means to support the Syrian government troops in the fight against the Islamic State and in the support of President Bashar al-Assad.

According to one of the representatives of the US Air Force, the Su-25SM aircraft is the best for conducting air-land operations, American magazine The National Interest wrote.

The Su-25 SM, or the ‘Frogfoot,’ is an armored beast of an aircraft with an armored cockpit. The Russian air force has upgraded dozens of Su-25s to the latest SM standard, which includes a glass cockpit, a GLONASS satellite navigation system and modern avionics that would allow for the use of precision-guided weaponries.

While the Su-24 is a good long-range battlefield ‘interdiction aircraft’, it is not particularly suitable for working closely with ground troops at “danger close” distances.

However, “the Su-25—like its American A-10 Warthog counterpart—was purpose-built as a close air support aircraft in the tradition of the Soviet Union’s much-venerated Ilyushin Il-2 Sturmovik from the Second World War,” The National Interest reported.

Although ‘Frogfoot’ is a reliable aircraft there is a high-risk of low-altitude missions that Su-25 pilots fly. Although ISIL does not have sophisticated air defenses, it does have anti-aircraft artillery and it is likely that Russian aircrews will have to closely coordinate with Syrian ground forces while flying at low altitudes.

The presence of Syrian ground forces to identify targets should make Russian airstrikes more effective—assuming that Assad’s forces and the Russians can properly coordinate, The National Interest noted.

There is almost one hundred percent surety that the Su-25SM will be a key element in the anti-ISIL campaign, with more than a dozen of these aircraft able to provide sufficient frequency of flights to conduct continuous strikes, according to the publication.

Read more: http://sputniknews.com/military/20151002/1027935145/russia-syria-fight-against-isil-aircraft.html#ixzz3nZ9TtnxL

ъвебд мма цйиеи ъвебд тн цйиеи зжшд мфешен
йщп 07-10-2015, 21:07
цмойъ дощъощ щм cre666
  cre666 cre666 айре озебш  
збш оъашйк: 16.09.06
дегтеъ: 4,878
бъвебд мдегтд осфш 65 щрлъбд тм йгй itamars2 щоъзймд б "арй обйп щдшесйн орсйн щн аъ..."

дрйзещ щмй деа щдн йше аъ диймйн гееча отм иешчйд...
сешйд дйа овшщ ощзчйн айгамй мсцт рйсей лмйн оем аомз отшбй оъчгн, тн офтймйн босфш шоеъ очцетйеъ.
мдтйу ийм щйеи отм иешчйд йбзп аъ дол"н щмдн, аъ аоцтй дййшеи, фшеиечем ъвебд мзгйшд аеейшйъ, м"а (ан дефтм лгй мщбщ аъ дийм) евн ан жд дйд лйщмеп ддфсг жрйз ечм мдлзщд.

айп шеез бмйшеъ отм айшп етйшч. йщ мдн од мдшеейз омйшеъ отм иешчйд...
ъоерд щдетмъд тм йгй вемщ баъш емлп айп аре йлемйн мгтъ од дйа олймдA nation is a society united by delusions about its ancestry and by common hatred of its neighbors - William Ralph
огйръ йщшам ъйбзп ма бтещш, ма бцба ема билрйчд, ама бгоеъд доесшйъ ебтшлййд дарещййн - бп-вешйеп
Give a man fire, and he will be warm for a day. Set a man on fire, and he will be worm for the rest of his life...

ъвебд мма цйиеи ъвебд тн цйиеи зжшд мфешен
йщп 07-10-2015, 21:50
  strong1 strong1 айре озебш  
збш оъашйк: 13.11.04
дегтеъ: 16,823
ма двйерй бтмйм
бъвебд мдегтд осфш 66 щрлъбд тм йгй cre666 щоъзймд б "дрйзещ щмй деа щдн йше аъ..."



1. фйжйъ ма афщшй мщвш отм иешчйд обмй мтбеш чегн млп отм ажшбййв'ап е/ае айшап чегн млп.
2. од ддвйеп добцтй ббзйръ отшк ддъштд диешчй гееча бфйрд длешгйъ дгшеойъ ожшзйъ дрйгзъ щм догйрд? ан лбш шце мдъвшеъ/мбзеп аъ дотшк диешчй дйе ощвшйн одйн дщзеш гек отмйдн ема одйн длсфй.
3. лое лп азшй ъчшйъ згйшъ доиес дшесй мъзен даеейшй диешчй бамлсргшид, ма двйерй щйтще ътмем ресу етег беид бдшбд.
4. блм очшд огебш бъцевъ ълмйъ ошщйод ресфъ щм дшесйн, ацбт ресфъ бтйп щм аебод, ашгеап едстегйн...
5. йщ мй дшвщд щдн олйрйн тег лод дфътеъ отрййреъ бщшеем... ой йегт, аемй вйзъ дфццд щм иефембйн, аемй щйвеш йазерийн оцеммеъ бйн дъйлеп, аемй щйвеш щм айсчргш ае иец'чеъ омичйд, аемй оефт щм ой-28/чаоеб-52, аемй фщйид мймйъ щм дсфцрх тм отеж гевоъ айгмйб сиййм "зрйъе щм рфеийп"

ъоерд щдетмъд тм йгй вемщ баъш емлп айп аре йлемйн мгтъ од дйа олймд
ъвебд мма цйиеи ъвебд тн цйиеи зжшд мфешен
йщп 08-10-2015, 14:34
  felixg felixg айре озебш  
збш оъашйк: 16.07.14
дегтеъ: 402
лъбеъ тм иймй дчмйбш
бъвебд мдегтд осфш 78 щрлъбд тм йгй itamars2 щоъзймд б "отрййп ъегд! шайъй еаемй..."

б-2 дщрйеъ дазшереъ щм дсшиеп одегтд #61 дтщп доъфжш ршад лое ъецад щм фвйтд, абм арй оощ ма обйп бфтрез ъцмеойн/сшиерйн, еййълп щжд ощде азш.
лод лъбеъ тм иймй дчмйбш ечегойдн:
[дъоерд дбад овйтд очйщеш щма оъзйм б https емлп ма деиотд бгу лгй мщоеш тм https ъчйп: http://lewis.armscontrolwonk.com/files/2015/08/Kaliber_4-580x434.png]
ъвебд мма цйиеи ъвебд тн цйиеи зжшд мфешен
йщп 10-10-2015, 19:35
  ощъощ жлш Nargila Dwarf Nargila Dwarf айре озебш  
збш оъашйк: 11.01.14
дегтеъ: 1,378
бъвебд мдегтд осфш 85 щрлъбд тм йгй efekt щоъзймд б "айк же бгйеч ъщебд бщбймй?"

This is a bit off-topic.
club-k missile container system got me thinking.
What is the deal?

Say country A decide to the club-k and buys some systems. Say a dosen or 100.
Country B is a neighbour to A.
They are not good friends!
An arned conflict between A and B starts.
The air force of B bombs every (or a lot) rail road, ship, port, major road, inside A.
Also many warehouses.

In short, B bombs many many places that are completely civilian.
A raises international stink:
B is a dirty war criminal! To de Hague with them!

B motivates the it's actions:
We could not know where A hides the club-k units, we had to bomb all possible places.

Now here is the question.
Why would A buy this weapons system, knowing what would likely happen?
Why would Russia develop it in the first place?

The Club-K system does not look like a defensive or offensive weapon.
It looks very good for causing trouble and international outcry.
Is it a policy tool designed to create a case that will draw Russia in as a responsible party?

Sing while you may
- The Legendary Pink Dots

ъвебд мма цйиеи ъвебд тн цйиеи зжшд мфешен
йщп 12-10-2015, 18:51
  ощъощ жлш Nargila Dwarf Nargila Dwarf айре озебш  
збш оъашйк: 11.01.14
дегтеъ: 1,378
бъвебд мдегтд осфш 90 щрлъбд тм йгй cre666 щоъзймд б "аъд щн мб щдийтеп щмк деа..."

It looks like you could know a little more about camouflage.
Please have a look at this

мцфййд бочеш баъш YouTube, мзце лап.. I am sure it will be very helpful.

You see, you camouflage your assets so that the enemy will have hard time to find them.
Usually the asset is camouflaged to look like it's environment. Woodland, desert, bushes,
And in the case of the US navy - ocean (no joke, the navy has ocean-blue camo).
In this forum we discussed the topic of some strange devices with huge wyes and ears,
that were found in Lebanon (Everyone together now, roll eyes).
The devices were camouflaged to look like rocks, or dirt or soil.
It was very well done.

Snipers and their hunter relatives often use Ghilly suits to camouflage themselves.
Tank and artillery crews often use camo nets. (camo is short for camoflage)

However some consideration must be taken when deciding what sould the asset be camouflage as.
The enemy may try to look for and bomb the camo'ed asset, and may try to find suspicious thing that look like cammoed assets.

Now here is a bit of an exaggerated or over the top example:
Say that you camouflaged your missile silos,as a kindergarten, your CCC center as a hospital, and an amoured unit as a horse farm.

This may end badly since the enemy may bomb some real hospitals or kindergartens or even horsies when trying to bomb your military assets.
Those kind of camouflages may get you a stern talk to by your own people or ms Bensouda and\or her employers.

And here (at last) we come to the Club-K container missile system.
The club-k is not as bad as horsey camo, but it is bad enough.
You wrote it yourself, it is meant to look civilian.
It is very much like when Hamas use(d) ambulances to hide gunmen, and that is not OK.

The club-k is good for the enemy by giving it good excuse to bomb civilian targets.
It is bad for the buying country because every container truck\ship becomes a target.

The club-k is bad news.
Sing while you may
- The Legendary Pink Dots

ъвебд мма цйиеи ъвебд тн цйиеи зжшд мфешен
йщп 12-10-2015, 19:20
цмойъ дощъощ щм cre666
  cre666 cre666 айре озебш  
збш оъашйк: 16.09.06
дегтеъ: 4,878
бъвебд мдегтд осфш 91 щрлъбд тм йгй Nargila Dwarf щоъзймд б "[left]It looks like you could..."

оаег ощтщт...
лщдсбйбд дйа ажшзйъ, длмйн оесеейн млмйн ажшзййн. шч ъсълм тм шлбй щйвеш ич"ч бъшвймйн щм айшп. ъоца аму гевоаеъ.
даоцтйн щаме ма ретге мщйоещ бйтшеъ ебогбшйеъ, йщ мдн аъ ддсееад дшмеерийъ моъаш дфтемд щмдн, йшй оошлжй тшйн еосфйреъ "ажшзйеъ".

дбтйд дйа щдъфйсд щмк оъайод шч мшчт дъшбеъй щмк

бочеш рлъб тм йгй Nargila Dwarf
Now here is a bit of an exaggerated or over the top example:
Say that you camouflaged your missile silos,as a kindergarten, your CCC center as a hospital, and an amoured unit as a horse farm.

This may end badly since the enemy may bomb some real hospitals or kindergartens or even horsies when trying to bomb your military assets.
Those kind of camouflages may get you a stern talk to by your own people or ms Bensouda and\or her employers.

ан йоеъе бвмм дсееад лже амфй ймгй вп байшп, шесйд, сйп ае мбреп - обзйръ ой щощъощ баоцтйн даме жд мвйийой мзмеийп.
аъд шеад дшв щм ймгйн лощде шт еочеон, щйвшен маелмесйд мщрет аъ ой щдщъощ бдсееад дже.
аъд ма осевм мдбйп щбъшбейеъ азшеъ дшв щм ймгйн жд гбш мвйийой мзмеийп.

беа рйчз study case- мчзъ ймгйн объй йъеойн, змчн двгем йъеой омзод, мъъ мдн офъзеъ фмсийч, мсфш мдн щаме дофъзеъ дфшиййн щмдн мвп тгп емщмез аеън моеъ бзжйъ, лгй щйтме тм оечщйн ейзифе лгешйн, емдщъощ бдн блвп зй ммезойн.
йщ ъшбейеъ щордйв щйтщд аъ жд йзщб бдп лчгещ еоещйт цгйч. деа тжш мймгйн мвп тгп....
ма шч щма дййъд дъштоеъ рвг даййиеммд зеоййрй оцг брй тое, жд ау фтн ма рзчш лфщт омзод.

мау азг бтемн ма алфъ щ "that is not OK".
вн мщйн аъ ажшзй ашд"б бозреъ шйлеж шч лй дн ооеца йфарй ма дйд OK, ашд"б тщъд аъ жд азшй фшм дашбеш.
вееарирое елма зйан ма дйе OK.
мбреъ мбешйн бгша"ф емсйрйн бомайд озреъ шйлеж ма дйд OK, бшйирйд тщъд аъ щрйдн.

аж ма шч щод щаъд аеош оъайн *шч* мъшбеъ щмк,
вн бъшбеъ щмк жд оъайн *шч* лащш жд рез мййщен.

еже бгйеч дбтйд щмй тн аебаод - аърецришйеъ. ае мйъш гйеч culturocentrism.
ъоерд щдетмъд тм йгй вемщ баъш емлп айп аре йлемйн мгтъ од дйа олймдA nation is a society united by delusions about its ancestry and by common hatred of its neighbors - William Ralph
огйръ йщшам ъйбзп ма бтещш, ма бцба ема билрйчд, ама бгоеъд доесшйъ ебтшлййд дарещййн - бп-вешйеп
Give a man fire, and he will be warm for a day. Set a man on fire, and he will be worm for the rest of his life...

ъвебд мма цйиеи ъвебд тн цйиеи зжшд мфешен
йщп 13-10-2015, 17:56
  ощъощ жлш Nargila Dwarf Nargila Dwarf айре озебш  
збш оъашйк: 11.01.14
дегтеъ: 1,378
бъвебд мдегтд осфш 92 щрлъбд тм йгй cre666 щоъзймд б "оаег ощтщт... лщдсбйбд дйа..."

оаег ощтщт...

You saw it (and had it) coming, didn't you?
Hands up others who saw it coming.

You wrote:
аъд щн мб щдийтеп щмк деа бтцн щайп итн бдсееад, лй даейб щмк фщеи йфцйх лм гбш щаъд йлем мдсъееъ амйе?

I was not making that statement at all.
My point was that this particular camo\system was a bad idea.
Nothing wrong with woodland, or desert.

Yes, Iran has such systems. That I did forget.
So you say this is just an appropriate camo for the environment.
Fair enough.
Do you have any examples for China doing this? It does not fit chinese attitude very much.

Now, I did give an overt the top example, you jumped on it and spent the rest of the post missing the point. My mistake.
So in the simplest words :
The club-K gives the enemy excuse to attack important civilian targets, like roads of ports or ships.
Without the club-K the enemy may have need to motivate bombing these places or may not have good reasons\excuses to bomb them at all.

Club-K adds needless danger. There are off the shelf alternatives.
So why make it at all? For Iran? NK?

What do you think about that?
Sing while you may
- The Legendary Pink Dots

ъвебд мма цйиеи ъвебд тн цйиеи зжшд мфешен
йщп 13-10-2015, 22:36
цмойъ дощъощ щм cre666
  cre666 cre666 айре озебш  
збш оъашйк: 16.09.06
дегтеъ: 4,878
бъвебд мдегтд осфш 93 щрлъбд тм йгй Nargila Dwarf щоъзймд б "[QUOTE] оаег..."

арй азжеш тм тцой фтн азшерд, брйсез щерд.
мошеъ щарй биез щвн дфтн ъътчщ ма мдбйп.
дсееаъ аомз лцйег ажшзй оаег йтймд.
бъшбеъ щмре дйа ма мвйийойъ, лй дйа ъвшен мдшбд йеъш рфвтйн ажшзййн.
мшеб дтемн айп аъ дъшбеъ щмре, едн зещбйн азшъ.
лм тег дн обйрйн айк дъшбеъ щмре ъефсъ аъ доцйаеъ,
еарзре ма обйрйн айк дъшбеъ щмдн ъефсъ аъ доцйаеъ.
йщ мдн йъшеп асишивй тмйре, емлп ъойг рфсйг.
ъоерд щдетмъд тм йгй вемщ баъш емлп айп аре йлемйн мгтъ од дйа олймдA nation is a society united by delusions about its ancestry and by common hatred of its neighbors - William Ralph
огйръ йщшам ъйбзп ма бтещш, ма бцба ема билрйчд, ама бгоеъд доесшйъ ебтшлййд дарещййн - бп-вешйеп
Give a man fire, and he will be warm for a day. Set a man on fire, and he will be worm for the rest of his life...

ъвебд мма цйиеи ъвебд тн цйиеи зжшд мфешен
йщп 17-10-2015, 10:59
  AJ-47 AJ-47 айре озебш  
збш оъашйк: 07.04.08
дегтеъ: 6,949
осечй MI-28 ршае бсешйд
бъвебд мдегтд осфш 1 щрлъбд тм йгй дажшз щоъзймд б "бсйс з"а шесй бмичйд"

Russian Attack Helicopter Mil Mi-28 arrived in Syria

By Dylan Malyasov - Oct 14, 2015

ъоерд щдетмъд тм йгй вемщ баъш емлп айп аре йлемйн мгтъ од дйа олймд

Russian all-weather, day-night, military tandem, two-seat anti-armor attack helicopter was spotted near Latakia in North of Syria.

The helicopter can be armed with a mixture of air-to-air and air-to-ground missiles, unguided rockets, and podded guns. The Mi-28 and Mi-28N Night Havoc are armed with Shturm and Ataka anti-tank missiles supplied by the Kolumna Design Bureau (KBM). Up to 16 anti-tank missiles can be mounted on the helicopter. Shturm is a short-range, radio command-guided missile.

The Ataka missile’s guidance is by narrow radar beam, and maximum range of the missile is 8km. The missile has a tandem shaped-charge warhead for penetration of 950mm to 1,000mm armour.

The Mi-28 has a fully armoured cabin, including the windshield.” The helicopter can also carry four containers, each with 20 80mm unguided rockets or with five 122mm rockets.

The helicopter can alternatively carry containers with grenade launchers, 23mm guns, 12.7mm and 7.62mm machine guns, aerial bombs, and incendiary tanks. The helicopter is equipped with a turreted 2A42 30mm cannon, stabilised in two axes, with a muzzle velocity of 1,000m/s.

Read more at: http://defence-blog.com/news/russia...d-in-syria.html

ъвебд мма цйиеи ъвебд тн цйиеи зжшд мфешен
йщп 17-10-2015, 11:11
  AJ-47 AJ-47 айре озебш  
збш оъашйк: 07.04.08
дегтеъ: 6,949
оаош б-Janes тм дщъ"ф шесйд-айшп
бъвебд мдегтд осфш 1 щрлъбд тм йгй дажшз щоъзймд б "бсйс з"а шесй бмичйд"

Joint Russian-Iranian intervention in Syria will allow the government to hold territory and likely expand into Iraq

Firas Abi Ali - IHS Jane's Intelligence Review

14 October 2015

Key Points

Russian airstrikes have targeted areas controlled by various opposition factions on the borders of government-held territory in Latakia and Hama but they have focused far less on their stated target of the Islamic State. This coincides with Hezbollah media on 12 October claiming an increase in ground forces being supplied by Iran to support the Syrian government.

Russia and Iran are jointly expanding their role in Syria and Iraq against the proxies of Saudi Arabia and Turkey, in order to preserve the allied governments in Baghdad and Damascus.

Saudi Arabia and Turkey are in effect being offered influence in areas of Syria and Iraq that are not strategically important, reducing the likelihood that they would acquiesce to an agreement that is in line with Russia and Iran's interests.


Russia has continued its airstrikes in Syria on 15 October, ostensibly aimed at defeating the Islamic State, while Syrian government forces backed by Shia militias are making progress in Hama Province.

Russian Iranian shared interests

On a global level, Russia is likely to see an alliance with Iran as a way to project power into the Gulf, as the United States reduces its support for monarchies in that region.

It also is likely to believe that an alliance with Iran, and even India, is a way of checking the influence of Sunni Muslim states such as Saudi Arabia, Turkey, and Pakistan, and preventing them from sponsoring Islamist militant proxies in Central Asia and the Russian North Caucasus. For Iran, an alliance with a global superpower helps it further its regional interests, especially in the priority area of the Sunni-Shia conflict.

On a regional level, Russia and Iran fear that the fall of Assad would lead to resurgence in Salafi jihadism in several other countries, partly driven by the movement of foreign jihadists currently in Syria to new theatres of battle or to their home countries.


ъвебд мма цйиеи ъвебд тн цйиеи зжшд мфешен
йщп 17-10-2015, 11:14
  AJ-47 AJ-47 айре озебш  
збш оъашйк: 07.04.08
дегтеъ: 6,949
бъвебд мдегтд осфш 1 щрлъбд тм йгй дажшз щоъзймд б "бсйс з"а шесй бмичйд"

The Islamic State (ISIL) has called on Muslims worldwide to launch jihad against Russian and US citizens.

© REUTERS/ Stringer 13.10.2015

Islamic State spokesman Abu Mohammad al-Adnani called on the Muslim youth worldwide to start a holy war against Russians and Americans, who, according to ISIL, are waging a "crusaders' war" against Muslims, as cited by Reuters.

Russia and the United States are carrying out separate campaigns against the Islamic State. Moscow launched airstrikes on ISIL targets in Syria on September 30, following a request from Syria's President Bashar Assad. Since September 2014, a US-led coalition has been bombing ISIL positions in Syria without the approval of the UN Security Council or Syrian authorities.

Earlier, Russian Defense Ministry spokesman Maj. Gen. Igor Konashenkov told reporters that Islamic State fighters have lost a large part of their weapons and equipment since Russia has stepped up its airstrikes in Syria. This has forced the group to set in motion the entire logistics network available to the terrorists in order to transport ammunition and fuel from the Raqqah province.

In the past 24 hours, Russian aircraft carried out 88 sorties on 86 terrorist infrastructure positions in the Raqqah, Hama, Idlib, Latakia, and Aleppo regions in Syria.

Read more: http://sputniknews.com/world/20151013/1028478312/isil-jihad-russia-us.html#ixzz3ok4H8LUw

ъвебд мма цйиеи ъвебд тн цйиеи зжшд мфешен
йщп 17-10-2015, 11:22
  AJ-47 AJ-47 айре озебш  
збш оъашйк: 07.04.08
дегтеъ: 6,949
1000s of Iranian Troops Enter Syria
бъвебд мдегтд осфш 1 щрлъбд тм йгй дажшз щоъзймд б "бсйс з"а шесй бмичйд"

1000s of Iranian Troops Enter Syria for Offensive Backed by Russian Strikes


With Russian airstrikes dealing heavy losses to the self-proclaimed Islamic State terrorist group, reports have surfaced those Iranian troops will soon launch a ground offensive alongside the Syrian army to retake Aleppo.

Last week, IS fighters managed to seize a large swathe of Aleppo, in Syria’s north. While Syrian forces have already reclaimed part of that territory, a ground offensive will be launched in the coming days to purge the terrorist group from the area.

According to two senior regional officials, speaking to Reuters on condition of anonymity, the offensive will include a coalition including Syrian and Iranian troops, protected by Russian air support.

The big battle preparations in that area are clear, one of the officials told Reuters. There is a large mobilization of the Syrian army…elite Hezbollah fighters, and thousands of Iranians who arrived in stages in recent days.

The decision to launch the battle of Aleppo has been taken…It is no longer hidden that thousands of Iranians are now in Syria and their role is fundamental.

This follows the death of Hossein Hamedani, a general in the Iranian Revolutionary Guards Corps. Tehran’s military confirmed on Friday that the Hamedani had been killed in Aleppo province while advising Assad’s forces in its fight against IS.

In the last 24 hours, Russian aircraft have carried out 88 sorties against terrorist command posts, weapon storage facilities, and explosive manufacturing centers.

Over the past day, Su-34, Su-24M and Su-25SM aircraft completed 88 sorties on 86 terrorist infrastructure positions in the Raqqa, Hama, Idlib, Latakia, and Aleppo regions, Russian Defense Ministry spokesman Maj. Gen. Igor Konashenkov told reporters on Tuesday.

These have already significantly weakened the Islamic State’s presence. Radio intercepts reveal that militants are running low on ammunition and threatening to abandon combat zones.

Read more: http://sputniknews.com/middleeast/20151014/1028487170/Iranian-Troops-Aleppo-Offensive.html#ixzz3ok1dgpmV

ъвебд мма цйиеи ъвебд тн цйиеи зжшд мфешен
йщп 17-10-2015, 11:31
  AJ-47 AJ-47 айре озебш  
збш оъашйк: 07.04.08
дегтеъ: 6,949
Russia, Israel to Hold High-Level Military Talks in Moscow
бъвебд мдегтд осфш 1 щрлъбд тм йгй дажшз щоъзймд б "бсйс з"а шесй бмичйд"

Russia, Israel to Hold High-Level Military Talks in Moscow

15.10.2015 © Sputnik/ Vladimir Astapkovich

Israeli charge d'affaires in Russia Alex Goldman-Shayman said that Israel's coordination team is headed by Israeli Deputy Chief of General Staff Yair Golan, and on the Russian side, the work is led by First Deputy Chief of General Staff Nikolay Bogdanovsky.

MOSCOW (Sputnik) — Russia and Israel will hold a new military meeting in the near future, this time in Moscow, Israeli charge d'affaires in Russia Alex Goldman-Shayman told Sputnik on Thursday.

The meeting is expected to take place amid Russia's military air operation against positions of the Islamic State (IS) jihadist group in Syria.

"There is a dialogue, a serious approach from both sides, and the next meeting will take place in the near future because, as you know, the military operation [in Syria] continues, and it is in the interest of both sides to agree on all nuances as quickly as possible," Goldman-Shayman said, adding that the talks would be held in Moscow in accordance with diplomatic rules. "Coordination will be carried out at the highest level of military and technical experts," he noted.

According to the diplomat, Israel's coordination team is headed by Israeli Deputy Chief of General Staff Yair Golan, and on the Russian side, the work is led by First Deputy Chief of General Staff Nikolay Bogdanovsky.

Also diplomat stated that the Israeli-Russian coordination mechanism on Syria is aimed at avoiding air incidents, and not at coordinating military operations, as Israel is not involved in the Syrian conflict.

млм доаош:
Read more: http://sputniknews.com/politics/20151015/1028583312/russia-israel-military-talks.html#ixzz3oecc7BxN

ъвебд мма цйиеи ъвебд тн цйиеи зжшд мфешен
йщп 22-10-2015, 04:38
  AJ-47 AJ-47 айре озебш  
збш оъашйк: 07.04.08
дегтеъ: 6,949
бъвебд мдегтд осфш 1 щрлъбд тм йгй дажшз щоъзймд б "бсйс з"а шесй бмичйд"

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чаиш дегйтд щдйа шецд мшаеъ фйъшеп гйфмеоий мбтйеъ бсешйд, абм ма ъдсс мдщъощ блз, мцг тшб дстегйъ еиешчйд, ан йдйд цешк блк.

Syrian Deputy Foreign Minister Faisal Mekdad was fast to warn the Middle Eastern monarchy that such a move would be a disastrous mistake with serious consequences

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2. арвмйд дегйтд щдйа ма ъщъу аъ шесйд бойгт оегйтйрй мвбй оишеъ бсешйд. лк аош дщвшйш дшесй барвмйд.

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