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שמור לעצמך קישור לדף זה באתרי שמירת קישורים חברתיים
כלי אשכול חפש באשכול זה

ישן 24-06-2011, 14:32
  eshely77 eshely77 אינו מחובר  
מנהל פורום סטודנטים
חבר מתאריך: 03.09.08
הודעות: 5,050
ספר השנה של אמצע הלימודים, דף הפתיחה.

הכיתה שלי החליטה שהם רוצים להוציא ספר שנה.
אני מוצא את זה מוזר, באמצע הלימודים להוציא ספר שנה, אבל בחורה מהודו, בחורה מספרד ובחור מדובאי החליטו שהם רוצים ספר שנה.
אני קבלתי את הכבוד והתבקשתי לכתוב את הפתיחה לספר.
כתבתי בהתחלה בעברית, (זאת השפה שאני חושב בה. כשאני מצליח לחשוב על משהו) ואחר כך, עם עזרה מאימי היקרה תגרמתי לאנגלית. הנה הנוסח באנגלית.



Friends and fellow students A moment before we commence the final session of the exam season, and another moment before we turn over the record finish with theoretical studies and comments with practicum of bedside teaching. We have decided to make an interim summing up.
An account of the path we have trod and we are now gathering renewed energy for our continuation down this road.
I still recall the first day in the faculty, outside the door of the English department waiting to hear what is required to sign in for studying in "Carol Davila". And at "Carol Davila" as at "Carol Davila" the future is obscured in a mist and demands patience. Then we still didn’t know that waiting would be a recurring motif in our studies in the years to come. Still sitting naturally I started to divide the students into those from my country and the rest. Later this division became more specific: Turkey, Nigeria, Spain, India, Iraq, Tunis, Pakistan, Saudi Rebio, Egypt, Kenya, Malaysia, Lebanon, Canada, Mexico, USA, Syria, Dubai and Israel. (I am sure there are some countries I forgot)
Thus during the first semester the names given to fellows students where in fact tied to their country of origin.

But while running the long marathon on the way to becoming doctors, things acquire a new lucidity and behind the passport, the language, the dress, the different mentality u discover the person. He is revealed for good and for bad. Happily, in our class in the majority of cases things are revealed to the good. Today, almost three years later the country of origin is barely relevant in the relations between us. What interest the vast majority of us are the human and academic parameters which define the person, far more than his passport or the god to whom he prays.

Lets face it what different does it make if your prophet is called MUHAMAD, JESUS, BUDHA, or MOSES. When ultimately we all have the same prayer and prayer is usually that the subjects would be what we learned, that the professor will be less bitchy toward us. And that our guesses in the MCQ in physiology will be lucky.

I often wonder what makes a doctor a good doctor. What turns a doctor into the persona who is a sick mans first support. The intuitive answer is knowledge, knowledge that is definitely required throughout our studies and which we have to suffer frequently in order to acquire. But beyond this knowledge, in my humble opinion, is something more profound. It is difficult to place your finger on it accurately but it’s the characteristic that separate the doctor from the good doctor. This characteristic, I think, is called love of mankind, not said facetiously or with the aim of using words meant to impress in the year book of med student. But as a motif which guides us through life. Love of man such as he is. This love must be learned.
Unfortunately in this world there is no curriculum which teaches this love. There are endless courses which teach hate, but few which teach love. The syllabus of hate aim at emphasizing the differences between people, language, geography, religion, color are all excellent courses for teaching hate. The kind of hate which spills endless streams of blood and sorrow and gives politicians opportunities for in sighting speeches and personal profit hidden in their Swiss bank accounts.

Perhaps in our faculty which may not be the best renowned and doesn't have a name which rhymes with Harvard, they found at least one course in the university of life which teaches love on mankind. In the English program of Carol Davila they invented a program which mixes together Muslims Buddhist, Hindu Christian and Jews. Teaches them how to treat Romanian patients. The studies here are a long course in whose frame work we learn about the humanity which is in every person. During these 3 years the sentence "with no distinction based on religion, race or sex" acquires a new meaning, one which has in its power to change us from an ordinary doctor to a good doctor.

. And if I might be allowed to take advantage of this honorable platform which I have received… Netta and I are planning, DV, to continue our studies next year in our own country, in the town of Sffad. Ultimately there is no place like home. We would like to thank all of you for being part of our long journey on the way to becoming doctors. The presence of many of you was a real help and inspiration. We hope and believe that with many of you we will continue to be in contact after this chapter in our lives ends. We have already agreed with Achmad karwan that one day patients from south Lebanon will come for consultation to the "Rebeca Ziv" hospital in Sefat and vice versa. Lots of love and good luck for all of us.
זנגה זנגה, דאר דאר

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